Church Happenings

Here is a look at what's happening at grace in the upcoming weeks:

1. VBS Cave Quest begins Monday June 6th.  Make sure you bring a friend.  Limited transportation is available.  Please call the church office for information 334-285-4655.

2. The Nursing Home ministry will not meet on June 19th due to our observance of Father's Day.

3. June 14th is an official Operation Christmas Child (OCC) organization day.  We will meet at the church at 9:30am.

4. June 18th is an OCC shoebox packing day.  Meet at the church at 9:30am.

5. If you have announcements for the bulletin, send them to Jan Murley (

6. Get ready for "Going Fishing" which is our annual picnic at the park.  This year, make it a point to invite an unsaved person!  We want to share the gospel with the lost and we are praying for a great harvest of souls.